Meet Our Family

We are Book People – never-missed-a-bedtime story, flashlight-under-the-covers, novel-hidden-behind-a-textbook-during-class, Harry Potter-midnight-book-release Book People. We’re also Art People, mosaic-table-tops, portraits-of-grandma, paper-mache-sarcophagi, projects-consuming-kitchen-counters-for-weeks-at-a-time Art People. The story is what matters, regardless of medium.
For my daughter, Erin, and I on Saturday, June 1, 2019, our own story expands to include a snug little book and art shop where we’re anxious to share our love of interesting and beautiful things, both written and hand-crafted. Located in BV Square, on historic Main Street, Buena Vista, Colorado, you’ll find a diverse selection of best-sellers, classics, and old favorite books in all genres, a growing display of local artwork, a wide selection of kids’ books, Melissa & Doug toys, an assortment of basic art supplies, along with a few trinkets and baubles mixed in just for fun.
Whether your family has lived here for generations, you’re just passing through, or you’re visiting our picturesque mountain valley to kayak, raft, rock climb, hike, bike, ski, hunt, fish, and/or just enjoy the beautiful views for which we’re named, we’d love to have you stop by our shop to share your story with us. And while you’re at it, make yourself a cup of coffee, find a book and have a seat in one of our cozy corners to lose yourself in a new adventure!
Hope to see you soon,
Carol Kelly and Erin Sarvey
Once Upon a Trapeze
A quick word about our name
In 2011, the band Coldplay recorded a song titled, “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall”. In it there’s a line that goes, ‘Maybe I’m in the gap between the two trapezes.’ The idea that a person can gracefully live in and navigate through the spaces between life’s phases was appealing to me. At the time, my 50th birthday was right around the corner, making this metaphor particularly timely. The older I get, the faster those phases seem to come and go. From that point on, ‘trapeze’ became my word. Erin cleverly came up with the ‘Once Upon a’ to go with it, turning it into a more fitting bookstore name.